Faculty: Jeremy Carreno, Chief Biologic Specialists from “Stem Cell Centers of America”, Marcia James, EmCyte, Felix Dunn, AcCELLerated Biologics, Director of Business and Clinical Operations
This full day course is an interactive day with lectures, demonstrations, and hands on processing of all biologics (PRP, BMC, Adipose). An Orthobiologics Training Certificate will be given upon the completion of the course. This course is an educational program offering clinical training to become competent in:
- The Science behind PRP,BMC, Adipose
- Operational and procedural steps to start and develop a successful Regenerative Practice
- The Equipment ( Centrifuge and Kits)
- Processing all biologics
- How to manage the patient from the first phone call to post op
- Pre and post treatment care instruction
- Consent forms, supplies needed to perform the procedures
- Develop a marketing program for your office
Cost: $495