Incorporating Orthobiologics in your practice, an introductory hands-on course
7:30 AM07:30

Incorporating Orthobiologics in your practice, an introductory hands-on course

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Demonstrate competence to harvest bone marrow and adipose

  3. Learn procedure techniques for PRP, BMA, and adipose

  4. Perform US-guided injections

Target Audiences: Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines, including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Course Requirements:

This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice as well as those who want additional training will highly benefit.

Tuition: $1,295

Click Here to Register

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7:30 AM07:30

Incorporating Orthobiologics in your practice, an introductory hands-on course

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Demonstrate competence to harvest bone marrow and adipose

  3. Learn procedure techniques for PRP, BMA, and adipose

  4. Perform US-guided injections

Target Audiences: Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines, including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Course Requirements:

This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice as well as those who want additional training will highly benefit.

Click Here to Register

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The Spinal Motion Segment with Regenerative Treatment Options; Spine Surgeons and Regenerative Clinicians Working Together!
7:30 AM07:30

The Spinal Motion Segment with Regenerative Treatment Options; Spine Surgeons and Regenerative Clinicians Working Together!

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Course Chariman/Faculty:

  • Robert Biscup, MS, DO, FAOAO - Biscup Spine

Course Moderator: 

  • Joseph Ruane, DO - Ohio Health Sports Med Institute 


  • Jeff Chabot, PhD - Endocellutions

  • Paul Tortland, DO, FAOASM - New England Stem Cell Institute 

  • Peter Whang, MD, FACS, FAAOS - Yale School of Medicine


  • $1,295.00

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Incorporating Orthobiologics
7:30 AM07:30

Incorporating Orthobiologics

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Demonstrate competence to harvest bone marrow and adipose

  3. Learn procedure techniques for PRP, BMA, and adipose

  4. Perform US-guided injections

Target Audiences: Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines, including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Course Requirements:

This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice as well as those who want additional training will highly benefit.

Click Here to Register

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Office Joint Preservation:  Cutting Edge Biologics, Including New Intraosseous Therapies
8:00 AM08:00

Office Joint Preservation: Cutting Edge Biologics, Including New Intraosseous Therapies

TUITION: $975/attendee


  • Joseph Ruane, DO

  • Fernando Sepulveda-Irizarry, MD, CAQSM RMSK

  • Paul Tortland, DO, FAOASM, RMSK

  • Jeff Chabot, PhD


Caribe Hilton – (Hilton Property) -

1 San Geronimo Street.

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00901

+1 787-721-0303



Luis Munoz Marin International Airport – Airport Rd. Carolina, Puerto Rico, 00979

Airport is approximately 7-to-12-minute ride to the Caribe Hilton.– suggested to take Uber

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Incorporating Orthobiologics in your practice, a hands-on course
7:30 AM07:30

Incorporating Orthobiologics in your practice, a hands-on course

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Demonstrate competence to harvest bone marrow and adipose

  3. Learn procedure techniques for PRP, BMA, and adipose

  4. Perform US-guided injections

Target Audiences: Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines, including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Course Requirements:

This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice as well as those who want additional training will highly benefit.

Click Here to Register

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Orthobiologics Medicine - The Keys for Repairing & Healing Injuries PRP, BMA & Adipose Training - A Complete Hands-On Program
7:30 AM07:30

Orthobiologics Medicine - The Keys for Repairing & Healing Injuries PRP, BMA & Adipose Training - A Complete Hands-On Program

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our January 14, 2023 faculty is an all Andrew's team.

  • Dr. Ricardo Colberg MD - Chairman & faculty, Andrews Sports Medicine, Birmingham, AL

  • Dr. Marcus Rothermich MD - Andrews Sports Medicine, Birmingham, AL

  • Dr. Josh Hackel MD - Andrews Sports Medicine, Gulf Breeze, FL

  • Jeff Chabot, Ph.D. - Pfizer & MIT - Boston, MA

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Demonstrate competence to harvest bone marrow and adipose

  3. Learn procedure techniques for PRP, BMA, and adipose

  4. Perform US-guided injections

Target Audiences: Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines, including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Course Requirements:

This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice as well as those who want additional training will highly benefit.

Tuition: $895

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Biologic Therapies - A Significant Role in your Practice!  PRP, BMA & Adipose Training - A Complete Hands-On Program
7:30 AM07:30

Biologic Therapies - A Significant Role in your Practice! PRP, BMA & Adipose Training - A Complete Hands-On Program

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


A comprehensive training designed to enhance the clinician’s practice with PRP, BMA, and Adipose. This one-day course will expose you to essential skills and knowledge needed to incorporate or expand the use of biologic therapies into your practice.

Course Chairman - Joseph Ruane, DO

Faculty - Brian Kahan, DO - The Kahan Center; Amadeus Mason, MD - Emory Sports Medicine; Paul Tortland, DO - New England Stem Cell Institute

Course Objectives – Upon completion, the attendee will be able to:

  1. Describe orthobiologic protocols for the treatment of OA and tendon disorders, including number and frequency of treatments, how to choose the correct orthobiologic product and when to reimage

  2. Recognize the importance of good needling and infiltration techniques

  3. Be competent with post-treatment management of pain and common patient concerns

  4. Prescribe rehabilitation protocols

  5. Distinguish rationale for choosing between PRP, bone marrow, and adipose tissue

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Demonstrate competence to harvest bone marrow and adipose

  3. Learn procedure techniques for PRP, BMA, and adipose

  4. Perform US-guided injections

Target Audiences: Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines, including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Course Requirements:

This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice as well as those who want additional training will highly benefit.

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 Expanding the Clinician’s Use of Regenerative Therapies PRP, BMA and Adipose
7:00 AM07:00

Expanding the Clinician’s Use of Regenerative Therapies PRP, BMA and Adipose

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


  • Dr. Joseph Ruane - Ohio Health

  • Dr. Chris Miars - Baylor, Scott & White - Sports Medicine

  • Dr. Tad DeWald - Tucson Orthopaedic Institute

A comprehensive training designed to enhance the clinician’s practice with PRP, BMA and Adipose. This one-day course will expose you to essential skills and knowledge needed to incorporate or expand the use of biologic therapies into your practice.

Course Objectives - Following the training the attendee will be able to:

  • Describe orthobiologic protocols for the treatment of OA and tendon disorders, including number and frequency of treatments, how to choose the correct orthobiologic product and when to reimage

  • Recognize the importance of good needling and infiltration techniques.

  • Be competent with post treatment management of pain and common patient concerns

  • Prescribe rehabilitation protocols

  • Distinguish rationale for choosing between PRP, bone marrow and adipose tissue

Technique Objectives Attendee will be able to:

  • Process blood to obtain PRP

  • Demonstrate competence to harvest bone marrow and adipose

  • Learn procedure techniques for PRP, BMA and adipose

  • Perform US guided injections

Target Audience:

  • Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Course Requirements:

  • This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice as well as those who want additional training will highly benefit.



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Spinal Orthobiologics - A complete hands-on training course
7:30 AM07:30

Spinal Orthobiologics - A complete hands-on training course

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A comprehensive training focused on spinal biologic therapies. To expose the clinician and staff to essential skills and knowledge needed to incorporate or expand biologic spinal therapeutics into their practice.


Robert Biscup, DO, MS, FAOAODO - Biscup Spine – Spine Specialist, Orthopedic Surgeon

Peter Whang, MD, FAAOS, FACS - Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation -Yale University School of Medicine

Jeff Chabot, Ph.D. Endocellutions - Founder, Director and Inventor, Pfizer, Inc – Associate Research Fellow

Joseph J. Ruane, DO - McConnell Heart Health - Director, Spine, Sport & Joint Center - Founder and Director

Course Objectives:

1. Understand the scientific and clinical rationale for the use of biologics for as a treatment for spinal conditions

2.Recognize the proper indications and relative contraindications for the use of biologics for specific spinal procedures

3. Review the relevant spinal anatomy for interventions including injections

4. Develop appropriate protocols for pre-intervention diagnostic testing and post-intervention rehabilitation for patients undergoing biological treatments for spinal conditions

Technique Objectives:

1.Techniques for the safe and effective procurement of bone marrow aspirate and adipose tissue

2.The correct methods for the handling and preparation of biologic tissues prior to interventions

3. Intraoperative imaging modalities for spinal procedures

4. Perform Intradiscal injections for cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine.

Course Information

Target Audiences:

Physician’s and staff of appropriate disciplines including Orthopedic, Pain Management, Anesthesiology, Spine Surgeons and Interventional Radiology.

Course Requirements:

This is intended to be an Intermediate Level course. Those with basic Orthobiologics background and fluoroscopy skills will benefit most.


Physician $2,250.00; RMTI Alumni $2,000; NP $1,450; Resident $1,250; PA $900; Medical Student $675; RN/LPN $575; Staff $525

Jointly_Accredited_Provider_PNG 2.png

Accreditation Statement

In support of improving patient care, the Medical Educator Consortium is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Designation Statements


The Medical Educator Consortium designates this live activity for a maximum 7 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their articipation in the activity.

Physician Assistant

NCCPA accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society. PAs may claim a maximum of 7 Category 1 credits for completing this activity.

Disclosure Policy

The Medical Educator Consortium (MEC) adheres to the Joint Accreditation Criteria and ACCME Standards for Commercial Support, which requires everyone in a position of controlling the content of a CME/CE activity to disclose all relevant financial relationships with commercial interests related to the activity content. MEC has implemented a mechanism to identify and resolve all conflicts of interest prior to the CME/CE activity being delivered to learners. The source of all support from commercial interests will also be disclosed to learners prior to the beginning of the educational activity. CME/CE activities must be balanced, independent of commercial bias, and designed to improve quality in health care. All recommendations involving clinical medicine must be based on evidence within the medical profession.

Disclosure of Unlabeled Use

This educational activity may contain discussion of published and/or investigational uses of agents that are not indicated by the FDA. The planners of this activity do not recommend the use of any agent outside of the labeled indications. The opinions expressed in the educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of the planners. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contradictions, and warnings.


Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired information to enhance patient outcomes and their own professional development. The information presented in this activity is not meant to serve as a guideline for patient management. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diagnosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient’s conditions and possible contradictions and/or dangers in use, review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, and comparison with recommendations of other authorities.

Evaluation and Certificate of Attendance

In order to receive CME credits for this program, you MUST complete and submit the Evaluation which will be emailed to you post-program. Please complete this as soon as possible within the allotted time frame.

Your CME certificate of attendance will be emailed to you for download immediately after submission. Please keep this document in your files.

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PRP, BMA, Adipose Training, A Primer for Every Physician
8:00 AM08:00

PRP, BMA, Adipose Training, A Primer for Every Physician


  1. Dr. Ricardo Colberg MD - Course Chairman, Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center

  2. Dr. Tad DeWald MD - Tucson Orthopaedic Institute

  3. Dr. Marc Rothermich MD - Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center

Special Speaker: Non-CME

  1. Jeff Chabot PhD - Endocellutions

Course Objectives – Upon completion, the attendee will be able to:

  1. Describe orthobiologic protocols for the treatment of OA and tendon disorders, including number and frequency of treatments, how to choose the correct orthobiologic product and when to reimage

  2. Recognize the importance of good needling and infiltration techniques

  3. Be competent with post-treatment management of pain and common patient concerns

  4. Prescribe rehabilitation protocols

  5. Recite tips on improving patient outcomes and lessening pain

  6. Distinguish rationale for choosing between PRP, bone marrow and adipose tissue

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Perform the collection of bone marrow and adipose

  3. Operate an ultrasound machine for basic US-guided injections

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Hands-On Orthobiologics Training: Spine Surgery Utilizing Bone Marrow and Adipose Aspiration
8:00 AM08:00

Hands-On Orthobiologics Training: Spine Surgery Utilizing Bone Marrow and Adipose Aspiration

Nov. 7th 2020 - Date Change - Now Feb. 2021

Due to an unexpected faculty conflict, the Nov. 7th program is rescheduled for Feb. 2021.   Course date announcement coming in a few weeks 

Saturday - Didactics Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon cadaver lab

Faculty: Dr. Peter Whang, MD, F.A.C.S.

Dr. Whang is a fellowship-trained surgeon who specializes in treating diseases of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine including the following pathologic conditions: neck and arm pain/numbness/weakness, lower back and leg pain/numbness/weakness (sciatica), spondylosis (degenerative arthritis), inflammatory arthritis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniations, spinal stenosis, spinal fractures, cervical whiplash, osteoporosis/compression fractures, spinal deformities, scoliosis (adult and adolescent), spondylolysis (pars defects)/spondylolisthesis, spinal tumors, and spinal infections.
Course Objectives:

Course Objectives – Upon completion, the attendee will be able to:

1.  Discuss the biologic principles for Stem Cell and Adipose procedures
2. To maximize cell yield, decrease pain during procedures
3. Treatment Protocols: How many treatments, How often, Patient selection
4.  Pre-post-treatment patient care and rehabilitation protocols
5.  Demonstrate competence with techniques to harvest BMAC/Adipose
6   Perform the collection and processing of BMC, and Adipose. (Directed to clinic staff)

Tuition: Physician, $2,250 - RMTI Alumni, $2,000 - NP $1,450 - Resident, $1250 - PA, $900 - Medical Student, $675 - RN/LPN, $575 - Staff, $525

To register for this course click here

We are pleased to offer Corporate Rates At:

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place - 122 Soundings AveJupiter FL 33477 - 561-273-6666 Corporate Rate Code: RMT Corporate Code 64500453


Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa - 5 North A1A Jupiter, FL 33477 - 561-746-2511

Corporate Rate Code: RMT

(Please book with #'s/e-mail listed above, booking with a 3rd party will not give you the corporate rates)

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 Expanding the Clinician’s Use of Regenerative Therapies  PRP, BMA , and Adipose – A Comprehensive Hands-On Training
8:00 AM08:00

Expanding the Clinician’s Use of Regenerative Therapies PRP, BMA , and Adipose – A Comprehensive Hands-On Training


  • The Sept. 26, 2020 program has reached its capacity.  We have a waitlist should cancellations occur.  Call 800-367-0844 to be placed on the list.

    • Registration is open for RMTI's January 16, 2021 - To comply with the CDC, WHO, and government regulations, the January program has a capacity limit so early registration is encouraged. Please register here to secure your space.

A comprehensive training designed to enhance the clinicians’ practice with PRP, BMA and Adipose. This one-day course will expose you to essential skills and knowledge needed to introduce regenerative medicine into your practice and facilitate adding non-surgical skills or procedures you may not currently be utilizing.


  • Joseph Ruane, DO - Course Chair

  • Amadeus Mason, MD

  • Christopher Miars, DO

Following the training, the attendee will be able to:

  • Describe orthobiologic protocols for the treatment of OA and tendon disorders, including number and frequency of treatments, how to choose the correct orthobiologic product and when to reimage

  • Recognize the importance of good needling and infiltration techniques.

  • Be competent with post-treatment management of pain and common patient concerns

  • Prescribe rehabilitation protocols

  • Recite tips on improving patient outcomes and lessening pain

  • Distinguish rationale for choosing between PRP, bone marrow and adipose tissue Technique Objectives

Technique Objectives Attendee will be able to:

  • Process blood to obtain PRP

  • Perform the collection of bone marrow and adipose

  • Perform US-guided injections

Accreditation Statement

Jointly_Accredited_Provider_PNG 2.png

In support of improving patient care, the Medical Educator Consortium is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Physicians: This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1CreditTM

Physician Assistant: NCCPA accepts AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society.

Tuition: $2,250.00 - Physician, $2,000.00 - RMTI Alumni, $1,450.00 - Nurse Practioner's, $1,225.00 - Resident, $850.00 - PA, $675.00 - Medical Student and $500.00 - Staff

Includes Breakfast and Lunch

Information: Sharon Bruneau, ProgramDirector 407-230-3290

Hotel and Travel Accommodations

We are pleased to offer Corporate Rates At:

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place - 122 Soundings AveJupiter FL 33477 - 561-273-6666 Corporate Rate Code: RMT Corporate Code 64500453


Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa - 5 North A1A Jupiter, FL 33477 - 561-746-2511

Corporate Rate Code: RMT

(Please book with #'s/e-mail listed above, booking with a 3rd party will not give you the corporate rates)

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PRP-BMA Training, A Primer For Every Physicians Orthobiologics Practice
7:30 AM07:30

PRP-BMA Training, A Primer For Every Physicians Orthobiologics Practice

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


  1. Dr. Ricardo Colberg MD - Course Chairman, Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center

  2. Dr. Tad DeWald MD - Tucson Orthopaedic Institute

  3. Dr. Marc Rothermich MD - Andrews Sports Medicine and Orthopedic Center

Special Speaker: Non-CME

  1. Jeff Chabot PhD - Endocellutions

Course Objectives – Upon completion the attendee will be able to:

  1. Describe orthobiologic protocols for the treatment of OA and tendon disorders, including number and frequency of treatments, how to choose the correct orthobiologic product and when to reimage

  2. Recognize the importance of good needling and infiltration techniques

  3. Be competent with post-treatment management of pain and common patient concerns

  4. Prescribe rehabilitation protocols

  5. Recite tips on improving patient outcomes and lessening pain

  6. Distinguish rationale for choosing between PRP, bone marrow and adipose tissue

Technique Objectives

  1. Process blood to obtain PRP

  2. Perform the collection of bone marrow and adipose

  3. Operate an ultrasound machine for basic US-guided injections

Program Schedule:

Click Here for Agenda 

Accreditation Statement:

Jointly_Accredited_Provider_PNG 2.png

In support of improving patient care, the Medical Educator Consortium is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Physicians: This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

Physician Assistant: NCCPA accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ from organizations accredited by ACCME or a recognized state medical society.

Target Audiences:

Physicians and staff of appropriate disciplines including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Course

Course Requirements:

This is an introduction to Orthobiologic Medicine program. Those who are ready to integrate biologics into their practice, as well as those who want additional training, will highly benefit.


Tequesta, FL at the Regenerative Medicine Training Institute

Tuition: $2,250.00; RMTI Alumni $2,000; Resident $1,150; PA/NP $850; Medical Student $600; Staff $500 - All tuitions include breakfast, lunch, snacks and beverages throughout the day.

To register for this course click here

We are pleased to offer Corporate Rates At:

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place - 122 Soundings AveJupiter FL 33477 - 561-273-6666 Corporate Rate Code: RMT Corporate Code 64500453


Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa - 5 North A1A Jupiter, FL 33477 - 561-746-2511

Corporate Rate Code: RMT Institute

(Please book with #'s/e-mail listed above, booking with a 3rd party will not give you the corporate rates)

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Hands-On Orthobiologics Training: Techniques and Procedures for Bone Marrow and Adipose Aspiration
8:00 AM08:00

Hands-On Orthobiologics Training: Techniques and Procedures for Bone Marrow and Adipose Aspiration


Course Chairman: Joseph J. Ruane, DO, McConnell Spine, Sport & Joint Physicians

Oluseun A. Olufade, MD, Emory Orthopedics, Sports & Spine

Ghislaine Robert, MD, Sparclaine Regenerative Medicine

Jeff Chabot, PhD

Pallavi Cherukupally, MD Regenerative Sport, Spine

Course Objectives: – Upon completion, the attendee will be able to:

1.  Discuss the biologic principles for Stem Cell and Adipose procedures
2. To maximize cell yield, decrease pain during procedures
3. Treatment Protocols: How many treatments, How often, Patient selection
4.  Pre-post-treatment patient care and rehabilitation protocols
5.  Demonstrate competence with techniques to harvest BMAC/Adipose
6   Perform the collection and processing of BMC, and Adipose. (Directed to clinic staff)

Program Schedule:

Morning Session -    Didactics and Live Patient Procedure
Afternoon Session - Hands-On Cadaver Lab - Multiple Specimen stations with C-Arm, and Ultrasound

Tuition: $2,250.00;  RMTI Alumni $2,000;  Resident $1,250; PA/NP $850;  Staff $500

To register for this course click here

We are pleased to offer Corporate Rates At:

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place - 122 Soundings AveJupiter FL 33477 - 561-273-6666 Corporate Rate Code: RMT Corporate Code 64500453


Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa - 5 North A1A Jupiter, FL 33477 - 561-746-2511

Corporate Rate Code: RMT

Please book with links listed above, booking with a 3rd party (Travelocity, Kayak, Orbitz, etc.) will not give you the discounted corporate rates

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Clinical Training for Regenerative Medicine for MA's, PA's, RN's, LPN's and Staff
8:00 AM08:00

Clinical Training for Regenerative Medicine for MA's, PA's, RN's, LPN's and Staff

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This full day course is an interactive day with lectures, demonstrations, and hands on processing of all biologics (PRP, BMC, Adipose).  An Orthobiologics Training Certificate will be given upon the completion of the course.  This course is an educational program offering clinical training to become competent in:  

Course Objectives: 
•    Learn the Science behind PRP, BMC, and Adipose and the uses for these Biologics
•    Steps to develop a successful Regenerative Practice for your Doctor
•    What Equipment is required and how to use the Equipment (Centrifuge, Kits)
•    How to manage the patient from the first phone call to post op. (Consent forms, pre- op instructions, scheduling, Aspiration of Biologics, Processing of the Biologics, Procedures for Sterile Technique and Follow up care)
•    What supplies are required to perform the procedures
•    Develop a Marketing program for your practice (Supporting your Doctor, and Getting referrals and reviews)

Faculty: Jeremy Carreno, MA. Chief Clinical Biologic Specialists “Stem Cell Centers of America”

Felix Dunn Director of Business and Clinical Operations “AcCELLerated Biologics”

Lindsey Schmidt, PA-C Biologic – PA-C “ Biscup Spine Center”

Tuition:  $575/attendee,  $525/RMTI Alumni

Travel Accommodations for RMT Institute Educational programs.

We are pleased to offer Corporate Rates At:

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place

122 Soundings AveJupiter FL 33477

561-273-6666 Corporate Rate Code: RMT Corporate Code 64500453


Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa

5 North A1A Jupiter, FL 33477


Corporate Rate Code: RMT

(Please book with #'s/e-mail listed above, booking with a 3rd party will not give you the corporate rates)

To register for this course click here

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Optimizing Patient Treatment Outcomes Direct Visualization Diagnostic & Pathology Evaluation Techniques Hands-on Lab Experience and Symposium
8:00 AM08:00

Optimizing Patient Treatment Outcomes Direct Visualization Diagnostic & Pathology Evaluation Techniques Hands-on Lab Experience and Symposium

Course Objectives: Review shoulder & knee anatomy and pathology identification. Discuss the role of direct visualization in optimizing patient outcomes. Discuss the proper selection of biologics for specific treatments.

Technique Objectives: Develop direct visualization skills; Refine basic pathology diagnostic skills

Invited Faculty

Thomas J Gill, MD; Course Chairman, Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center

Mitchell Shienkop, MD, Cellular Orthopaedics, Chicago, Illinois

Greg Lutz, MD, Regenerative Sportscare Institute, New York, New York

Limited Spaces Available.


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Hands-On Orthobiologics Clinical Applications, Techniques and Procedures for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Pain Management and Spine
7:00 AM07:00

Hands-On Orthobiologics Clinical Applications, Techniques and Procedures for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Pain Management and Spine

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This one-day CME course will expose you to essential skills and knowledge needed to introduce regenerative medicine into your practice and facilitate adding non-surgical skills or procedures you may not currently be utilizing."  A complete hands - on training course!        

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Hands-On Orthobiologics Training: Techniques and Procedures for Bone Marrow and Adipose Aspiration
8:00 AM08:00

Hands-On Orthobiologics Training: Techniques and Procedures for Bone Marrow and Adipose Aspiration

Saturday - Didactics Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon cadaver lab


Dr. Paul Tortland - - Dr. Tortland is the founder and Medical Director of the New England Stem Cell Institute and of Valley Sports Physicians & Orthopedic Medicine, both located in the Hartford, CT region.  He specializes in sports medicine, non-surgical orthopedics, and regenerative medicine.  Dr. Tortland was literally the first person in the world to become certified in Regenerative Medicine by the American Academy and Board of Regenerative Medicine, also scoring the highest on the certifying exam.  He was also the first person in New England to begin performing both PRP and stem cell injections in 2007 and 2008, respectively.  Also, he has been doing Prolotherapy for over 23 years.

Dr. Joseph Purita -  A Board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon, and a pioneer in the use of Stem Cell and PRP therapy for orthopedic conditions.  Dr. Purita has lectured internationally on five continents regarding the healing effects of stem cells and has been instrumental in helping some countries design their policies concerning the use of regenerative medicine; effectively bringing this unique and advance practice to more practice throughout the world.  Dr. Purita’s passion lies in teaching and advancing regenerative medicine techniques and procedures that improve patients’ lives.

Dr. Ghislaine Robert -  Dr. Ghislaine Robert is a board-certified sports medicine physician with over 25 years of experience treating elite and recreational athletes.  Dr. Robert began her career in Montreal Canada, now operating a Sports Medicine practice in Redmond Washington.  Dr. Robert specializes in minimally invasive regenerative medicine, performing ultra-sound guided platelet-rich plasma injections, micronized fat (adipose) injections and bone marrow-derived stem cell procedures to alleviate pain and promote tissue regeneration and healing.  “My goal is to help patients to be and to stay physically active. That’s the best health insurance you can have!” – Dr. Robert

Andy McGillicuddy - Developer - Marrow Cellution™ Needle - Andrew McGillicuddy has extensive experience in the medical device and stem cell fields.  He has over 25 years of experience in finance, including large companies such as Primark, and smaller companies such as The Yankee Group, Primark Decision Economics, and Harvest Technologies.  He has been involved in over $1 billion worth of M&A activity.  Andrew is also a member of the Board of Directors. 

Course Objectives:

Course Objectives – Upon completion, the attendee will be able to:

1.  Discuss the biologic principles for Stem Cell and Adipose procedures
2. To maximize cell yield, decrease pain during procedures
3. Treatment Protocols: How many treatments, How often, Patient selection
4.  Pre-post-treatment patient care and rehabilitation protocols
5.  Demonstrate competence with techniques to harvest BMAC/Adipose
6   Perform the collection and processing of BMC, and Adipose. (Directed to clinic staff)

Program Schedule: Morning Session -    Didactics and Live Patient Procedure
                                  Afternoon Session - Hands-On Cadaver Lab - Multiple Specimen stations with C-Arm, and Ultrasound

Tuition: $2,000.00;  RMTI Alumni $1850;  Resident $1,250; PA/NP $850;  Staff $500

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Clinical Training for Regenerative Medicine for MA's, PA's, RN's, LPN's and Staff
8:00 AM08:00

Clinical Training for Regenerative Medicine for MA's, PA's, RN's, LPN's and Staff

This full day course is an interactive day with lectures, demonstrations, and hands on processing of all biologics (PRP, BMC, Adipose).  An Orthobiologics Training Certificate will be given upon the completion of the course.  This course is an educational program offering clinical training to become competent in:  

Course Objectives: 
•    Learn the Science behind PRP, BMC, and Adipose and the uses for these Biologics
•    Steps to develop a successful Regenerative Practice for your Doctor
•    What Equipment is required and how to use the Equipment (Centrifuge, Kits)
•    How to manage the patient from the first phone call to post op. (Consent forms, pre- op instructions, scheduling, Aspiration of Biologics, Processing of the Biologics, Procedures for Sterile Technique and Follow up care)
•    What supplies are required to perform the procedures
•    Develop a Marketing program for your practice (Supporting your Doctor, and Getting referrals and reviews)


Jeremy Carreno, MA, Chief Clinical Biologic Specialists “Stem Cell Centers of America” Mr. Carreno is versed in Orthobiologics procedures.  His expertise is in biological processing of autologous PRP, adipose, and bone marrow aspirate concentrate.  He is the director of a large stem cell practice that encompasses many responsibilities. He is an expert in lab sterility, manages and directs the clinic to treat the large volume of patients in the practice.  Jeremy develops excellent business rapport with physicians, organizations, and has excellent client care skills with patients.

Marcia James, BSN, CCRN Clinical Director & Vice President of Sales EmCyte Corporation - Ms. James works closely with the Chairman & CEO to develop and inspire a lean and high performing clinical and sales team.  She manages key customer relationships and work to build and establish evidence-based clinical outcomes.  My background, as a Level 1 Trauma Critical Care Registered Nurse for at least 20 plus years, has provided me with the critical thinking skills and experience needed to address the clinically holistic requirements of regenerative medicine.  My experience has allotted me to work both in a national and international setting to which I have been entrusted to treat high-level clients and VIPs for EmCyte Corporation. 

Felix Dunn, Director of Business and Clinical Operations AcCELLerated Biologics, Mr. Dunn is instrumental to AcCELLerated Biologics as he is responsible to create, implement, and manage first class support for physicians, sales associates, and patients who need or are interested in learning about PRP and other regenerative medicine applications. Felix has a 25 year sales and marketing operation experience skills that are key in developing programs to enhance the physician’s Regenerative Medicine practice.

Tuition:  $575/attendee,  $525/RMTI Alumni

Travel Accommodations for RMT Institute Educational programs.

We are pleased to offer Corporate Rates At:

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place

122 Soundings AveJupiter FL 33477

561-273-6666 Corporate Rate Code: RMT Corporate Code 64500453


Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa

5 North A1A Jupiter, FL 33477


Corporate Rate Code: RMT

(Please book with #'s/e-mail listed above, booking with a 3rd party will not give you the corporate rates)

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Hands-on Orthobiologics Clinical Applications, Techniques and Procedures for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Pain Management and Spine.
8:00 AM08:00

Hands-on Orthobiologics Clinical Applications, Techniques and Procedures for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Pain Management and Spine.

Course Objectives – Upon completion the attendee will be able to:

  1. Discuss the basic biologic principles of regenerative medicine.

  2. Identify the proper selection of biologics for specific treatments.

  3. Prescribe appropriate post-treatment rehabilitation protocols.

  4. Perform the collection and processing of PRP, BMC, and Adipose. (directed to clinic staff)

  5. Demonstrate competence in aspiration techniques for BMC, BMA (Marrow Cellution needle) and Adipose.

  6. Spinal Techniques


Robert Biscup, M.S., D.O., F.A.O.A.O. is a board certified orthopedic surgeon, practicing for more than 30 years. Dr. Biscup is recognized for extraordinary results in minimally invasive procedures and regenerative medicine for spine and orthopedic conditions. His developments in major reconstructive, previously failed, and his minimally invasive spine surgeries, have earned him international recognition as a pioneer in the field of spine care and spinal surgery. Dr. Biscup has traveled extensively throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia, lecturing and teaching the surgical techniques, instrumentation and implants he helped develop. Dr. Biscup is also at the forefront of regenerative medicine for spine and orthopedic care. 

Rowan Paul MD,  Partner - Primary Care Sports Medicine Physician-California Pacific Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA.  Dr. Paul dedicates his practice to "Comprehensive care of the athlete with focus in medicine of sports, PRP, Bone Marrow Concentrates, Adipose, Amniotic Allograft MSC's, TENEX, expert ultrasound diagnostics and guided procedures, non-operative orthopedics, and rehabilitation fracture care". He is the Head Team Physician for the San Francisco Ballet and the Covering Team Physician for the Oakland Athletics.  Dr. Paul, devotes his time advancing the field of Sports Medicine, micro-invasive regenerative medicine & interventional orthopedics using musculoskeletal ultrasound-guided "Regenerative Orthobiologics" stem Cell based treatments. 

Target Audience:  Physicians and staff of all modalities including Orthopedics, Pain Management, Sports Medicine, Interventional Radiologist, Rehabilitation Specialists and Spine.  

Course requirements: All are welcome

Tuitition (Breakfast and Lunch Provided):

  • $2,250 / Doctor

  • $2,000 / RMTI Alumni

  • $1,125 / Resident

  • $850 / PA/NP

  • $500 / Staff member

Hotel Corporate Rates Available

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harborside Place & Jupiter Beach Resort

Corporate Rate Code: RMTCorporate Codes must be given at time of reservations to receive the RMT Institute Corporate Rate.

(Please book with #'s/e-mail listed above, booking with a 3rd party will not give you the corporate rates)

To register for this course click here

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Orthobiologics Medicine for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation & Pain Management
8:00 AM08:00

Orthobiologics Medicine for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation & Pain Management

Understand the history, methods and applications pertaining to regenerative medicine
•Identify the proper selection of biologics for specific treatments
•Rehabilitation techniques for Pain Management
•Collection and processing of PRP,BMC, and Adipose
•When to choose Stem Cells and when to choose PRP or both

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Marrow Cellution™ Bone Marrow Aspirating Training and other Biologic Modalities for Spine, Ortho, Sports Med
8:00 AM08:00

Marrow Cellution™ Bone Marrow Aspirating Training and other Biologic Modalities for Spine, Ortho, Sports Med

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Featured faculty:
Dr. Rowan Paul, Primary Care Sports Medicine, Team Physician SF Ballet, California Pacific Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Dr. Joseph Purita, Orthopedic Surgeon - Orthobiologics Pioneer
Andy McGillicuddy, Developer -  Marrow Cellution™ Needle,  David Harrell PhD.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the applications and Techniques for the Marrow Cellution™ Needle
  • Learn and perform Stem Cell aspirations
  • Learn Adipose Aspiration techniques
  • 2 hour Cadaver Lab w/ C- Arm
  • Live Patient - Stem Cell procedure
  • Identify the proper selection of biologics for specific treatment indications
  • Pre and post treatment care instruction
  • Rehabilitation protocols

Tuitition (Breakfast and Lunch Provided):

  • $2,000 / Doctor
  • $1,850 / RMTI Alumni
  • $1,250 / Resident
  • $500 / Staff member

Hotel Corporate Rates Available

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harborside Place & Jupiter Beach Resort

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Clinical Training for Regenerative Medicine for MA's, PA's, RN's, LPN's and Staff
8:00 AM08:00

Clinical Training for Regenerative Medicine for MA's, PA's, RN's, LPN's and Staff

Faculty: Jeremy Carreno,  Chief Biologic Specialists from “Stem Cell Centers of America”, Marcia James, EmCyte

This full day course is an interactive day with lectures, demonstrations, and hands on processing of all biologics (PRP, BMC, Adipose).  An Orthobiologics Training Certificate will be given upon the completion of the course.  This course is an educational program offering clinical training to become competent in:  

  • The Science behind PRP,BMC, Adipose
  • Operational and procedural steps to start and develop a successful Regenerative Practice
  • The Equipment ( Centrifuge and Kits)
  • Processing all biologics
  • How to manage the patient from the first phone call to post op
  • Pre and post treatment care instruction
  • Consent forms, supplies needed to perform the procedures
  • Develop a marketing program for your office

Tuition:  $575/attendee,  $525/RMTI Alumni

Travel Accommodations for RMT Institute Educational programs.

We are pleased to offer Corporate Rates At:

Wyndham Grand Jupiter at Harbourside Place

122 Soundings AveJupiter FL 33477

561-273-6666 Corporate Rate Code: RMT Corporate Code 64500453


Jupiter Beach Resort & Spa

5 North A1A Jupiter, FL 33477


Corporate Rate Code: RMTCorporate Codes must be given at time of reservations to receive the RMT Institute Corporate Rate.

(Please book with #'s/e-mail listed above, booking with a 3rd party will not give you the corporate rates)

To register for this course click here

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Marrow Cellution Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle Hands on Cadaver Workshop
9:00 AM09:00

Marrow Cellution Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle Hands on Cadaver Workshop

Place: BREG Training Facility 2885 Loker Ave. East Carlsbad, CA 92010   


Christopher J. Rogers MD:  A board certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physician and founder of the San Diego Othobiologics Medical group. A graduate of Saint Louis University medical school 1993, he served as Chief Resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Texas, Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX. In 1997 he completed a spine fellowship program under the direction of Dr’s. Paul Dreyfuss and Kevin Pauza.  Since 2000 Dr. Rogers has been a member of San Diego’s largest private orthopedic practice where he has treated 1000's of San Diegans with spine and joint injuries. He has published on interventional spine care, diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound and regenerative medicine. He serves as an instructor for the AAPMR interventional spine and musculoskeletal ultrasoundprograms and has lectured for more than 15 years at local and national conferences.

Andrew McGillicuddy - CEO EndoCellutions  Developer of the Marrow Cellution Needle.   Andrew has extensive experience in the medical device and stem cell fields. He has over 25 years of experience in the Orthobiologics field lecturing and teaching at medical facilities for physicians and staff. 


Course Objectives:

·         Learn and perform Stem cell aspirations using the Marrow Cellution Needle

·         Spinal Injections

·         Stem Cell Biology

·         3 hour cadaver lab w/C-arm

·         Pre and Post treatment care instructions

·         Rehabilitation Protocols


Benefits from the course: You will learn the techniques and protocols through lectures and hands on cadaver training to  confidently use the Marrow Cellution needle. 

Tuition: $650.00 per doctor or Purchase 2 Marrow Cellution needles prior to the course and attend at no charge.  Breakfast and lunch provided.                                                                                                                                                                 

Information: Sharon Bruneau, Educational program Director 407-230-3290 or    

Hotel Options: 

Sheraton Carlsbad Resort and Spa


5480 Grand Pacific Drive

Carlsbad, CA 92008


Park Hyatt Aviara Resort

(760) 448-1234

7100 Aviara Resort Drive

Carlsbad, CA 92011

To register for this course please click here

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Orthobiologics Medicine for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation & Pain Management
8:00 AM08:00

Orthobiologics Medicine for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation & Pain Management

Faculty: Dr. Ricardo Colberg, Andrews Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center.  Dr. Joseph Ruane, McConnell Sport, Spine & Joint Physicians.  Andy McGillicuddy, Founder Marrow Cellution.

Saturday - Didactics Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon cadaver lab

Course Objectives:
•Understand the history, methods and applications pertaining to regenerative medicine
•Identify the proper selection of biologics for specific treatments
•Rehabilitation techniques for Pain Management
•Collection and processing of PRP,BMC, and Adipose
•When to choose Stem Cells and when to choose PRP or both

Tuition: $2,250.00;  RMTI Alumni $2000;  Resident $1,125;  Staff $500

To register for this course click here

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Advanced Regenerative Medicine for Spine and Pain Management
8:00 AM08:00

Advanced Regenerative Medicine for Spine and Pain Management

  • Regenerative Medicine Training Institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Faculty: Dr. Carlos Garcia, Dr. Robert Biscup

  • Course is Recommended for Doctors who are:

  • Current Spine Physician

  • Experienced with IntraDiscal Injections

  • PRP and Stem Cell Proficient or RMTI Alumni (have taken the intro course)

  • Course Objectives:

  • Understand the history, methods, and applications pertaining to regenerative medicine

  • Learn and perform IntraDiscal Injections

  • Learn and perform Stem Cell aspirations

  • Marrow Cellution Bone Marrow Aspiration Needle

  • 2 hour Cadaver Lab w/ C- Arm

  • Identify the proper selection of biologics for specific treatment indications

  • Case Presentation's diagnosis, TX, Post Care and Rehab.

  • Pre and post treatment care instruction

  • Rehabilitation protocols

  • Patient selection and marketing techniques

Cost:  $2,250

To register for this course click here

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Introduction to Regenerative Medicine for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
to Jan 15

Introduction to Regenerative Medicine for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

  • Google Calendar ICS

CME's provided

Tuition: $2,250.00;  RMTI Alumni $2000;  Resident $1,125;  Staff $500

Speakers: Dr. Joseph Purita, Dr. Joseph Ruane, and Peter Everts PhD
Course requirements:

  • All are welcome

    Saturday - Didactics Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon cadaver lab with by Dr. Ruane and Dr. Purita Ultrasound, C-arm, and Vision Scope.
    Sunday - Lecture and Live patient procedures with Dr. Purita

    Course Objectives:
    •Understand the history, methods and applications pertaining to regenerative medicine
    •Identify the proper selection of biologics for specific treatments
    •Rehabilitation techniques for Pain Management
    •Collection and processing of PRP,BMC, and Adipose
    •When to choose Stem Cells and when to choose PRP or both

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